Cute Missing You Card/ Farewell Card/ Goodbye Card/ Romantic Matchbox /Message box "In case you are missing me":

Entah kenapa setiap saya merasa demotivasi, pusing, ruwet, hedek dikantor saya langsung kontek DIA. Mantan Bos!

Yap dia 2 lines di atas saya, tapi dulu kita cukup sering sharing satu sama lain.

Saya inget banget kali kedua dia berkunjung dia negur saya begini :
Hi Eva, I remember you are girl who's get married and having one daughter!

hahahaha...pertama kali ketemu waktu saya baru banget 1 minggu kerja disini, saat saya masih jadi gadis jaim, pemalu dan pendiam! surprisingly he was remember me ;p

He was care about me, He was able to listen to me, wanted to know my concerns, always believe everything that I did,  and made me look "stand up" from others. Sampai rekan kerja saya ngomong gini : elo cucok bedua, you admire him, so do Him! apa2 elo yang di puji ! hahahah

Tadi malem saya kontek dia. Saya pengen tau gimana kabarnya. karena udah lama gak ngobrol.

dia jawab gini :

He has resigned 6 month ago, and went to Toronto. I shocked and really sad when I had heard He wanted to left us, it happent no long time after we had met and talked everthing each other :(
jujur saya nangis kejer saat denger dia akan resign hanya dalam waktu 1 minggu saja.
Dan setelah tahu alasan kenapa dia resigned tambah hancurlah hatiku ...

Terakhir ketemu dia sempat manggil saya ke ruangan cuma untuk nanya :

What's going on, Eva...tonight I'll back, so tell me what you feel and what the things that I could help to you before I left you ( mungkin ini firasat kalo orang mau ninggalin kita yah )?

saya : I'm no sure what you talking about
Dia : seems you hard to breath, why?
saya : ketawa doang
Dia : ketawa lebih kenceng
saya : Lets promise to go to karaoke with us once u come back
Dia : oke deal! I promise to you~

Lalu 1 hari sebelum sayonara, Saya kumpulin pesan-pesan perpisahan dari teman2 satu tim, saya buatin video farewell buat dia. dan dia sangat terharu biru sepertinya, sampe di upload loh videonya di profile linkedin nya *terharuuuuuu*

ini link videonya :

(Video ini udah puluhan kali saya tonton, apalagi kalo lagi kangen )

ini balesan email dia waktu itu (masih saya abadikan di outlook )  :

Hey guys,

Thanks for the wonderful video! It is definitely the best asset for me from this 1 year short period. I am really proud of you guys. I wish I would do more by working together to reach where we want to be. However I firmly believe without me you guys can still achieve our dreaming destination.

In China there is a say – No endless banquet. It is now the time we change a new relationship in our life.

It was really, really, good time I ever had, because of which I love Indonesia. I love you!